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Mr. Sumadi, owner of Warong Pak Sapari

Mr Sumadi, the 3rd generation owner of Selamat Datang Mee Soto and Mee Rebus at Adam Road Food Centre, quit his job as a telecoms engineer in Feb 2014 to take over his parent's hawker stall that had been running since 1970s.
The savoury mee soto broth is made up of 21 specific ingredients and Mr Sumadi oversees the making of the broth daily.
With the continuous hard work and strong responsibility to continue his family's legacy, Selamat Datang Mee Soto & Mee Rebus has now become one of the oldest and most popular stall in Adam Road Food Centre. It is known for its savoury mee soto soup, bergedil and thick tasty mee rebus gravy which are well recognised by the media.

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